Current Activities

Stage 1 of the quarry extension is now underway


What’s happening

Upgrading the main access to the quarry on Mt Cotton Road including road widening, dedicated right and left turning lanes into the quarry, improved sight lines for motorists, a section of dedicated cycle lane and better road drainage


Completed in October 2023


Entrance to the quarry at 1513 Mt Cotton Road, Mt Cotton


Winslow Queensland



Establishing the Stage 1 quarry zone

What’s happening

Works will include:

·       realigning the internal access driveway

·       constructing a new haul road to the Stage 1 quarry zone and wildlife crossing culvert

·       establishing a new quarry area of about 15 hectares to replace the previous extraction area

·       upgrading quarry dams and stormwater drainage channels

·       installing new crushing and screening equipment

·       upgrading site offices and staff amenities

·       maintaining 3,300 planted native trees and shrubs



July 2023 to early 2024, weather and construction conditions permitting

Construction hours 

Monday to Friday from 6:30am to 6:00pm and Saturday from 6:30am to 4:00pm


Inside the quarry


Barro Group

What to expect


There will be some increased truck movements around the quarry entrance, and localised noise, dust and vibration in work areas at times. Customers will continue to be able to access the quarry during these works.


Want to know more?

Works notice Stage 1 extension